

pasta n. Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled. 食用面糊由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪 A prepared dish containing pasta as its main ingredient. 一盘已做好,以食用面糊为主要配料的菜 Italian 意大利语 fromLate Latin[ paste, pastry cake ] 源自后期拉丁语[ 面糊,糕点 ] *See Also : paste pasta n. (加盐、牛奶、鸡蛋制成的) 面团 此种面团做的食品 yes!
支持上面的答案, 现在湖南台演的,翻译过来居然是微笑百事达? 什么呀,还不如不翻译呢!


2,求西红柿意大利面的英文菜谱 要英语啊

raw materials:one piece of well done beef, two tomatoes, right amount of one adjuvants:spring onions, salt, black pepper powder, gourmet powder, sesame oil, coriander method : 1、familiar beef cut yuan little. the tomato peels and cuts small one. 2、hot oil in the pan, put, enter chopped scallion fry fragrant, quench tomato and beef lump into, add a spoon of salt and a spoon of black pepper powder, turn over and fry evenly. 3、quench into the boiled water, boil with the fire first, then change into the small fire, then cover the pot cover to boil for 15 minutes. 4、open the pot cover, add the noodles. boil the fire first, and then transfer to the middle fire, waits for the noodles to be boiled. 5、add the salt according to the taste. close the fire, add a little gourmet powder, sesame oil, coriander. 我是直接翻译的,原文在下面。不晓得符合你的要求不? 原料: 熟牛肉一块,西红柿两个,挂面适量 辅料: 葱花,盐,黑胡椒粉,味精,香油,香菜 做法: 1、熟牛肉切小块.西红柿去皮切成小块. 2、锅中热油,下入葱花炒香,倒入西红柿和牛肉块,大火翻炒至西红柿成糊,加入一勺盐和一勺黑胡椒粉,翻炒均匀. 3、倒入足量的开水,大火煮沸后转小火盖盖儿煮15分钟. 4、打开锅盖,加入挂面,大火煮开转中小火至面熟. 5、根据口味调入盐,关火,调入少许味精,香油,香菜碎即可

求西红柿意大利面的英文菜谱 要英语啊


Italian noodles on the origin, said to be derived from ancient Rome, and some are said to be from Mark - from China via the Baltic Sicily spread to Europe as a whole herring. Italy face of the ever-changing world like a kaleidoscope, reportedly as many as the number of species at least 500 kinds image of a combination of changes in sauces can be made on the thousands of Italian fabrics rationale! Some of the earliest forming Italy in the year 13 to 14 century, we now eat with the most like Italy surface. After the Renaissance, Italy surface types and sauces also gradually enriched with the arts together. Consumption initially appear dough manufacturing method is to pressure corporations into flour Tissues were then covered in food, cooking food Add焗furnace. Since then, people will think of dough and cut into small block of the rod or the slender noodles, and the Arabs will be more thought of dried noodles storage practices. The emergence of tomato varieties and the subsequent improvement of the拿坡里the first time in Italy was used as sauces with noodles, noodles from the popular, and even by the royal family and nobles were also attracted. Authentic Italian powder is made from copper mold from repression, but because of rugged appearance coarse thick, sticky surface more easily on the seasoning sauce, the flavor of the food taste better together. Apart from the original flavor noodles, the other colorful noodles are mixed with vegetables and fruit from the system, such as: Crocus sativus L. face, black cuttlefish noodles and egg yolk surface, and so on. Italy face the sauce, can be divided into the basic red sauce and white sauce, red sauce at the end is used as a red tomato sauces, white sauce is from flour, milk and butter at the end for the white sauces, in addition, also the usefulness of olive oil flavored with vanilla and the vanilla sauce category deployment. The popular southern Italy Italian food dry powder, and fresh powder in northern Italy more popular. Generally, the first Italian dishes for more powder, seafood The Spaghetti supported liquor, and the sauce is thick with the red wine
您好,意大利面的吃法如下: ?吃意大利面,要用叉子慢慢地卷起面条,每次卷四五根最方便。    ?也可以用调羹和叉子一起吃,调羹可以帮助叉子控制滑溜溜的面条。 ?不能直接用嘴吸,不然容易把汁溅得到处都是。
肉末番茄酱意大利通心粉   用料:   意大利通心粉一磅,Rotini、Shells、Bow Ties、Macroni等均可。   一磅新鲜豌豆(速冻的也行,或其他你喜爱的蔬菜)。   半磅肉馅(猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉、火鸡肉等均可)。   番茄酱(有为Pasta特制的更好,普通番茄酱也行,但最好加点五香粉或胡椒粉)。   佐料:料酒、酱油、盐、葱末和姜末。   做法:   烧开水,将通心粉放入锅,烧开后反复加凉水数次,直至通心粉煮透,捞起滤干水,放适量盐拌好待用。另烧开水,放入豌豆,开后不久即可捞出滤干水,盖在煮好的通心粉上。半磅肉馅用料酒、酱油、盐拌好,加入切好的葱末和姜末。锅烧热,放一些油,煸炒肉馅,变色熟后,倒入番茄酱,翻炒,烧至番茄酱色泽暗红,酱汁略稠即可起锅,淋在通心粉上,拌匀。或把肉馅酱汁单装入盆,吃时根据各人口味要多少取多少。
Pasta Material: Tubular pasta, meat, onions, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, milk Moet silk, salt, pepper, olive oil, onion, ginger, garlic, dry red pepper, water Practices: 1, the onions, ginger, garlic, wash, and cut the end, tomatoes, onions, carrots, potatoes, celery, wash, and cut small; 2, sitting ignition turn on the water pot, water, open, put macaroni, cooked fish out into the containers in the stand-by; 3, the minced meat into the containers within the salt, ginger, diced green onion, pepper stuffing mix well made; 4, take a vessel into the onion, minced garlic, Hu Luobu Ding, celery Ding joined olive oil, stir evenly into the microwave 4 minutes out, and then mix into the meat put out microwave 2 minutes, add pepper Duan, tomato Ding , salt, chicken, water, pepper, mix well into the microwave for 15 minutes; 5, will do a good job of filling into the containers Sheng macaroni 7 minutes in the microwave oven can be placed mix well. 意大利通心粉 原料: 管状通心粉、肉馅、洋葱、胡罗卜、土豆、西红柿、乳酩丝、盐、胡椒粉、橄榄油、葱、姜、蒜、干红辣椒、水 做法: 1、将葱、姜、蒜洗净切成末,西红柿、洋葱、胡罗卜、土豆、芹菜洗净切成丁; 2、坐锅点火放水,水开后放通心粉,煮好捞出放入器皿中待用; 3、将肉末放入器皿内加盐、姜末、葱末、胡椒粉拌匀做成馅; 4、取一器皿放入洋葱丁、蒜末、胡罗卜丁、芹菜丁加入橄榄油,搅拌均匀放入微波炉4分钟取出,再放入肉馅拌匀放微波炉2分钟取出,加入辣椒段、西红柿丁、盐、鸡精、水、胡椒粉拌匀放入微波炉15分钟; 5、将做好的馅倒入盛通心粉的器皿中拌匀放微波炉7分钟即可。


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