

our wedding一般放在迎宾牌上会写明:welcome to our weddingwelcome to our wedding party
welcom to our attend our wedding !!! 会了么?你的婚礼?
Our wedding orour wedding party


2,我很高兴被邀请来参加你的婚礼 翻译

thanks for your invatation .i would be very glad to attend your
I am very glad to be invited to your wedding.【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。
i am very glad to be invited to your wedding,
I am glad to be invited to your wedding.
I am very happy to be invited to your wedding ceremony.
I am glad to be invited to your wedding

我很高兴被邀请来参加你的婚礼  翻译


今儿个心情好,就算5分我也都给答吧,何况我只知道一小部分,也不是我查的,没啥劳动成果可言,GN高兴就给我分,不给我就当攒人品了= =。灰姑娘的玻璃手机 A Cinderella story达芬奇密码 the DaVinci code 美丽人生 beautiful life 冷山 cold mountain 黄金罗盘 The Golden Compass 泰坦尼克号 titanic小飞侠彼得潘 Peter Pan当幸福来敲门 the pursuit of happiness海神号 Poseidon教父 godfather 阿甘正传 forrest gump初恋五十次 fifty first dates 风月俏佳人 pretty woman 诺丁山 notting hill女孩十三梦三十 13 going on 30 追梦女孩 dream girls 返老还童the curious case of benjamin button 生死朗读 the reader 感叹下英文名字原来都好简单啊o(╯□╰)o



One of my favorite moviesI most like the movie is a film called "hands up" comedy.The movie is about the Anti Japanese War period severalrural farmers with Japs wits, they will eventually get rid ofthe story, the plot of the story is very lively, interesting, from time to time to let people laugh"Hands up" is a movie worth seeing.我最喜爱的一部电影我最喜欢的电影是一部叫《举起手来》的喜剧片。电影讲述的是抗日战争时期几个乡村农民跟日本鬼子斗智斗勇,最终将他们赶走的故事,故事的情节十分生动、有趣,时不时地让人开怀大笑 《举起手来》是一部值得一看的电影 (ps:望采纳)
My favorite movie is "pleasant goat and big big Wolf".First of all, I like the character is pleasant goat, he is the first intelligent, Mr. Is a love a smart guy. Grey Wolf catch sheep, were he found. The second is the slow sheep sheep and grey Wolf. Slow sheep sheep are Mr. Village chief, he can invent many things, is a great inventor. Grey Wolf also can invent many tools to catch the sheep, but were a lamb. This is what I am like a small movie. 我最喜欢的电影是:“喜羊羊与灰太狼”。首先我喜欢的人物是喜羊羊,他是羊村第一聪明的,是个爱动脑子的小伙子。灰太狼的抓羊计划,都被他识破。其次是慢羊羊和灰太狼。慢羊羊是羊村的村长,他可以发明很多东西,是个大发明家哦。灰太狼也可以发明很多抓羊的工具,但都被小羊们破解。这就是我其中喜欢的一部小电影。
我最喜欢的电影 my favorite movie高中movie is my favorite that i always watch movies when i am free. since i like english very much, so the english movie is my favorite, too. among so many films i have watched, the one i like best is high school musical . this film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – troy bolton, captain of the basketball team, and gabriella montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical. in this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and troy and gabriella fall in love with each other. its totally a happy ending. i like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which i admire so much. besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.(求采纳)

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