
回答和翻译如下:电影和电影里的“策划人”。The planner in the movies and movies".



Wedding planning
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Wedding Planning 婚礼策划人 wedding planner


3,节目策划人 英文怎么说谢谢

节目 jie mu 1.a program; a show; an item in a program 策划 ce hua 1.to plan; to make plans 2.to engineer; to plot; to hatch (or lay) a plot; to scheme 合起来就是 program planner
翻译结果影视策划人 ,用英文怎么说the film and television planner, how to say it in english

节目策划人 英文怎么说谢谢

4,策划部主管 在名片上用英文怎么翻译啊

应该是:Supervisor/Director of Planning Department Supervisor/Director任选其一建议不要再缩了,给人印象不专业
the supervisor of department
你好!Supervisor of Planning Department如有疑问,请追问。
Supervisor/Director of Planning Department
strategy manager
Supervisor/Director of Planning Department Supervisor/Director

5,婚礼主持人的英语开场白 急用

婚礼主持人必须要以无拘束轻松幽默喜庆的语言来衬托这次的男女主角。也要与参加宴会的客人互动。 可以这样:各位同志们,严肃了啊!感谢大家来参加由xx和xx的婚礼!今天是个特别的日子,我们的新郎、新娘终于忍不住爱情火花的迸发,决定百年好合,白头偕老了!请大家为这对幸福的恋人,献上衷心的祝福! 也可以以发问的形式,如:各位,你们知道今天喝的是什么酒吗?(喜酒),喝的是谁的喜酒?(xx和xx)。。。。
Leaders and guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning(因为尚未吃中午饭,都可以用good morning.)!This wedding is designed and hosted by XX Wedding Planning Center.In Augest 22nd, 2009, the wedding of a pair of newlywed persons is successful over!
1.Lady and gentlemen,good afternoon.2.This wedding is designed by XXX Wedding-design Corporation.3.In Augest 22nd, 2009, the celebration of the union of these two faithful souls is happily end roll!

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