来源:整理 编辑:婚礼策划 2023-12-31 19:31:25
Happy wedding! 新婚快乐。
Love for ever! 祝永远想爱。
Have a sweet honeymoon! 祝蜜月甜蜜。
Thanks for your help.
I wish you happy every day. 
今天我和**终于结婚了,这是我一生之中最幸福的事。从相识到现在,**一直在我身边陪者我,无论是高兴是伤心,她总是非常理解我、支持我。她已是我生命中最重要的人之一,能娶到这样一个漂亮、善解人意的妻子是我的福分,我这辈子都无怨无悔。 今天我要在所有我们婚礼的见证人面前对你说:“**,谢谢你!剩下的人生道路我会用自己最大的努力让你开心,幸福,让你知道嫁给我同样是最幸福的!**,我爱你!!!你愿意嫁给我吗 ”
4,英文 新婚贺语
Please accept my hearty congratulations upon your marriage.May Peace,Health,Happiness and Bright Future attend both your bride and yourself until the end. 值此新婚之际,请接受我的衷心祝贺。愿你和新娘永远和睦、健康、幸福、前程辉煌。 I wish you both the best of luck and, ever-increasing happiness as the years go by. 愿你俩福星高照,幸福与日俱增。 I wish you both all the luck and happiness life can offer。 祝愿你俩生活美满幸福。 Please accept our most sincere congratulations upon your holy matrimony with... and very best wishes for all the good future in the world. 请接受我对你和……的神圣结合的最诚挚的祝贺,并祝愿你俩幸福无量。 Allow me to join the chorus of congratulations upon your recent marriage. 值你新婚之际,请允许我加入祝福的行列。 My husband joins me in hoping that you have a long and happy and prosperous life together. 我丈夫和我一同祝愿你俩美满幸福,白头偕老。 Wishing you many happy returns of the wedding day. 正值阁下新婚之禧,恭贺幸福无量。 My heart felt congratulations on your coming happy union! 谨向你们即将到来的幸福结合致以衷心的祝贺。 My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours. 值你俩大喜之日,谨致最诚挚的;况贺。 Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all the good things. (我们)愿你俩婚姻美满幸福。 Best wishes from one of your old friends on your engagement. 在你们订婚之际,请接受一个老朋友最美好的祝愿。 My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness. 向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。 I take great pleasure in sending here with a little wedding present in celebration Of the happy event. 喜送小小礼品一份,庆贺这一大喜大吉之事。 We send you both our love and best wishes for every happiness that life can bring.
With this hand,用这只手,I will Leave your sorrows.我将带你走出忧伤困苦!Your cup will never empty,你的杯永不干涸,for I will be your wine.因为我将是你生命泉源之酒!With this candle,用这蜡烛,I will light your way in darkness.我在黑暗中照亮你的生命!With this ring, I ask You, to be mine.用这戒指, 你愿做我的妻子么?或者无论贫穷还是富有,健康还是疾病,相爱相依,不离不弃,直到死亡把我们分开。”一句话包容了太多的内涵。I,[新郎的名字],take you [新娘的名字],to be my wife,my partner in life and my one true love.I will cherish our friendship and love you today,tomorrow,and forever.I will trust you and honor you.I will laugh with you and cry with you.I will love you faithfully.Through the best and the worst,Through the difficult and the easy.What may come I will always be there.As I have given you my hand to hold.So I give you my life to keep.So help me God.I,[新娘的名字],take you [新郎的名字],to be my husband,my partner in life and my one true love.I will cherish our friendship and love you today,tomorrow,and forever.I will trust you and honor you.I will laugh with you and cry with you.I will love you faithfully.Through the best and the worst,Through the difficult and the easy.What may come I will always be there.As I have given you my hand to hold.So I give you my life to keep.So help me God.In unisonEntreat me not to leave you,or to return from following after you,For where you go I will go,and where you stay I will stay.Your people will be my people,and your God will be my God.And where you die,I will die and there I will be buried.May the Lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me.[二人一起说]I want to take this man/woman to my lawful wedded husband/wife,to love him/her and cherish him/her,for better or worse,for poorer and richer.
婚礼 他说 说的 一句 在婚礼中最想对他说的一句话英语