"I would like to announce to all of our friends and family that (BRIDE NAME) and I are officially married. We are so grateful to have each other and are excited to spend the rest of our lives together. Thank you all for being here to celebrate with us."
"在这个特别的日子里,我想和所有的亲朋好友分享一个喜讯, (GROOM NAME) 和我正式结婚了。感谢你们在这个特别的日子里能够和我们一起分享这个喜悦的时刻。"
"I would like to take a moment to share some wonderful news with all of our friends and family - (GROOM NAME) and I are officially married. We couldn't be happier to have each other and can't wait to start this new chapter together with all of you by our side."
"我有一个特别的消息要告诉所有我们的朋友和家人,(BRIDE NAME)和(GROOM NAME)已经结婚了。他们非常高兴能够和彼此在一起,并对大家的支持表示感谢。"
"I have some exciting news to share with all of our friends and family. (BRIDE NAME) and (GROOM NAME) are officially married! They are over the moon to have each other and truly appreciate all of your love and support."
"在这个特别的日子里,(BRIDE NAME) 和 (GROOM NAME) 终于确定了他们的关系。我们非常高兴能够在这个特别的日子里和您分享这个喜讯。"
"On this special day, (BRIDE NAME) and (GROOM NAME) have officially tied the knot. We are thrilled to share this exciting news with all of you and feel incredibly grateful to have your support today and always."
文章TAG:新郎 英文 新娘 问自己 新郎英文 如何回答?-中文标题:新娘如何宣布结婚?