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严清怡的英文名是严清怡Yan Qingyi 汉语人名拼写规则是:姓和名分写,姓在前,名在后,姓名之间用空格分开。



We come from Yanqing. We are fourth in Yanqing County High School. Yanqing IV was established in July 2000. County middle school has the only "Yanqing teacher." Our school was originally in the middle of a Department of Yanqing was a very outstanding performance on the well-known throughout the county. 2000, adjusted for education, Yanqing set up a separate school in middle school, that is, four in Yanqing now. School education quality, education, art education and physical education are among the best in the county, and the "moral" education is known throughout the county
We come from Yan Qing. We read a book in fourth middle school of Yan Qing County. Yan Qing is built among four on July , 2000. Own the unique whole county junior middle school "Yan Qing well-known master " of school. Our university plain accommodates oneself to at once for Yan Qing junior middle school headquarter in one, very preeminent achievement to be well-known throughout whole county. Y2K because the headquarter who educates adjustment , Yan Qing to be hit by junior middle school once is single-handed set up school , be middle in order postponing now celebrates four. School education quality of teaching , science , technology and education, art educates the education educating "moral education" to come out on top in the whole county, uses together with sports being well-known throughout whole county.
We come from Yanqing.We study in Yanqing Fourth Middle School.Yanqing Fourth Middle School was founded in July,2000.后面就不会了但是前面是对的


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