







美国是世界上最早提倡“绿色婚礼”的国家,美国人的“环保婚礼”是怎么办的?在今天召开的大连环保婚礼论坛上,来自美国洛杉矶会议及旅游局驻华办事处的首席代表李杰美介绍了有关情况。虽然举办环保婚礼在一定程度上要支出更多的费用,但目前绝大多数美国人认为,选择环保婚礼不仅可以体现对环境的尊重,更可以体现婚礼的个性。  李杰美介绍说,环保婚礼最先在美国兴起,她是一种新的流行理念,一种新的生活方式和态度,迎合了美国人追求自我、追求个性的要求。  她例举了一场环保婚礼的细节安排,这些细微之处无不闪现着环保的理念。在农场举行婚礼,使用可降解的碗碟,提供有机食品,饮用当地酿造的啤酒或有机葡萄酒,甚至婚戒都是用回收利用的黄金制成。  在结婚典礼上,尽量使用可循环利用的物品,新娘穿旧婚纱或纸制婚纱,请宾客步行或骑车到教堂,鲜花也是选择自家花园种植的,以当地栽种的有机食物招待宾客。  此外,婚礼的请贴全部用电子邮件发放,或采用再生纸或非纸制印喜贴。  对于中国人习惯的迎亲车队,李女士认为,按照绿色婚礼的理念,应当尽量减少车队的规模,或安排集中的大巴,以尽量减少汽油消耗和尾气排放。  李女士认为,虽然美国婚庆行业一年的收入大约在720亿美元,但现在大家都在寻求新的婚礼形式来体现其独特性,“环保婚礼”将越来越体现出年轻人生活方式的改变。  人物介绍:李杰美  美籍华侨,毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校.



Arrival and seating of the guest   宾客到场  Light candelabra (From this point on, things start to get more serious)   点蜡烛  The Groom comes out   新郎出场  The Brides procession   新娘出场Train : 1、Groomsmen and bridesmaids   伴郎和伴娘成双成对出场  队伍顺序 2、maid of honor   捧花的主伴娘  3、ring bearer and flower girl   持婚戒的小童和花童  4、brides father take her daughter   新娘挽父出场  The minister conducts the ceremony:  Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony, if there is anyone who feels that this ceremony should not continue, please speak now (for several minutes). Then let us continue. ****, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in death, till death do you part?  (Always) Bride: yes I do! ...Arrival and seating of the guest   宾客到场  Light candelabra (From this point on, things start to get more serious)   点蜡烛  The Groom comes out   新郎出场  The Brides procession   新娘出场Train : 1、Groomsmen and bridesmaids   伴郎和伴娘成双成对出场  队伍顺序 2、maid of honor   捧花的主伴娘  3、ring bearer and flower girl   持婚戒的小童和花童  4、brides father take her daughter   新娘挽父出场  The minister conducts the ceremony:  Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony, if there is anyone who feels that this ceremony should not continue, please speak now (for several minutes). Then let us continue. ****, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in death, till death do you part?  (Always) Bride: yes I do!  The same word to ask the Groom, and the Groom says yes I do! (if no accident)  Exchange of wedding vow and ring   The minister says :"Please exchange your rings.  now by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you are husband and wife.   结婚誓词宣读和交换戒指  End of the ceremonyThe guest arrive   宾客入席  The Bride and Groom arrive   新人入席  Toast   敬酒祝福  Dancing 跳舞  1、 Howlyweds first dance   新人跳第一支舞  2、The Bride dancing with Grooms father   新娘和新郎的父亲跳舞  The Groom dancing with Brides mother   新郎和新娘的母亲跳舞  The cake cutting ceremony   切蛋糕  Entertainment 欢乐时光  The Bride throws the Bonquet   新娘扔捧花  The Groom throws the Garter   新郎扔新娘今天所穿的吊袜带  Newlywed games 新人的游戏  The Wedding Reception End  新郎扔新娘今天所穿的吊袜带---打到谁谁就会是下一个新郎,通常此时未婚男子都跑没影了。  美是传统婚礼上的新娘的4样东西:  Something old:新娘戴上母亲或是祖母传承的旧物,代表代代相传,延续前人美满。  Something new:新娘穿上新的礼服和鞋子,代表面对全新的人生。  Something borrow: 新娘多向婚姻美满的亲友借来的物品,代表分享别人的美满,祈求幸福。  Something blue:蓝色代表纯洁和忠贞。  A silver six pence 六便士银币已经被一便士取代,放于鞋内,代表财运。
32=16×2 √32=√16×√2=4×√2=4√2


美国人来源于世界各地,婚礼形式也就迥然各异。有热闹非凡的教堂婚礼;有根本没有宗教仪式的世俗婚礼;还有宾客在山顶上光着脚举行的婚礼;甚至还有一种骇人听闻的在海底给宾客用氧气罐的婚礼。但是,这许多婚扎中,不管它的形式多么怪异,仍然包含着一些传统的习俗。 例如,新郎与新娘要交换戒指。戒指经常戴在左手的第四只无名指上,在婚礼上进行交换。这种传统起源于原始早期社会,还被认为是具有魔力的。在一些原始部落里新婚夫妇被戴上用草和花编织的花环,以象征婚姻的幸福与美满。现在,戒指则象征两人相互承担的义务。 婚礼仪式举行后,常常由家中的亲友往新郎新娘身上洒落一把把生米,以此祝愿他们多子多孙。虽然,美国出生率在日益下降,但是,作为消遣嬉戏的洒米作法还在大多数婚礼仪式中盛行。 在婚礼仪式后,经常会举行盛大的婚宴,这个婚宴也叫做招待酒会。酒会上各种丰盛的食物对公众具有强大的吸引力,以致于把对新婚夫妇的注意力给夺去了。食物的种类是以新郎新娘的文化传统以及新娘家的喜爱和经济状况来决定,因为在美国经常是由新娘的家庭来支付婚宴帐的。在角落里放着有许多层的色彩摈纷的结婚大蛋糕,传统的作法是新娘与新郎一起握着刀来切蛋糕。据说过去,在吃蛋糕以前,先要把蛋糕丢在新娘的头上。时代改变了,新娘再也不能忍受这种屈辱的习惯。不过有一点还是依然的,那就是把蛋糕给宾客吃以前,新娘新郎先互相给对方吃一块蛋糕。 吃过蛋糕以后,新娘站在房间中央的一把椅子上,把花束抛给那些未婚姑娘。据说谁拿到那束花,谁就是下一次的新娘。有些姑娘积极地去抢,但有些则腼腆地躲开了。 然后,新娘与新郎就离开婚宴会场,去开始度蜜月(婚礼后的旅行)。这种蜜月旅行起源于古老的德国风俗,在德国结婚典礼后要喝一个月的蜜酒。当今的蜜月旅行大有不同,它完全取决于新婚夫妇的爱好,时间与经济条件。有时候,一对新婚夫妇只在附近的一家旅馆中度过一夜,而有时候,他们会在一个遥远的度假胜地消磨两周。蜜月旅行的费用应由新郎方面承担
Weddings in the United States vary as much as the people do. There are church weddings with a great deal of fanfare; there are weddings on mountain-tops with guests barefooted; and there have been weddings on the ocean floor with oxygen tanks for the guests. But many weddings, no matter where or how they are performed, include certain traditional customs.Before a couple is married, they become engaged. And then invitations are sent to those who live nearby, their close friends and their relatives who live far away. When everything is ready, then comes the most exciting moment.The wedding itself usually lasts between 20 and 40 minutes. The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march[1] is played. The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with her father who will "give her away[2]". The groom enters the church from a side door. When the wedding party is gathered by the altar, the bride and groom exchange vows. It is traditional to use the words "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part[3]". Following the vows, the couple exchange rings. Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old custom.After the ceremony there is often a party, called a "reception" which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds.The car in which the couple leaves the church is decorated with balloons, streamers and shaving cream. The words "Just Married" are painted on the trunk or back window. The bride and groom run to the car under a shower of rice[4] thrown by the wedding guests. When the couple drives away from the church, friends often chase them in cars, honking and drawing attention to them. And then the couple go on their honeymoon.注释:1. wedding march:婚礼进行曲。在教堂举行的婚礼,通常是新娘的母亲和新郎的父母先就座后,奏乐开始,牧师 向大家致意。接着奏婚礼进行曲,婚礼一行人进入教堂,新娘挽着她的父亲要最后进来。2. give her away:把新娘交给新郎。give away常用的意思是“分发、泄露、出卖”。但它也有一个专门的意思就是指“在举行婚礼时把新娘交给新郎”。如:Mary was given away by her father.3. till death do us part:至死不分离。这是英语婚礼誓言中沿袭下来的一个固定用法(不用does)。就像人们常说的God bless you.一样,而不能说成God blesses you.4. shower of rice:婚礼时撒向新人的生米。结婚仪式中很有趣的一项就是大家要向新婚夫妇头上撒生米(uncooked rice)。“生米”意味着生儿育女、多子多福,有祝福的意思。All societies have customs and ceremonies surrounding the three most significant events in human life-birth,marriage and death. From the earliest times,marriage has been an important part of many legal and religious systems. Let us look at just one country-the United States -to see some of the customs and the reasons for their exitence.People throw rice at wedding.Brides always wear "something old,something new,something borrowed and something blue.The man customarily gives the girl a diamond ring.On the wedding day it is supposed to be bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the weeding. In England,there is a famous saying A SKELETON IN THE CUPBOARD,and it means a terrible secret.

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