婚礼仪式重要吗英文,英语阅读理解wedding in indonesia is very important eve
来源:整理 编辑:婚礼策划 2023-07-30 14:43:03
1,英语阅读理解wedding in indonesia is very important eve
2,结婚的 礼仪重要 吗
去照套婚纱照吧,这还是有必要的,其他的仪式能免就免了。那种仪式其实就是做给别人看 的,你除了感受到热闹,也未必还有别的感受!劳民伤财
从现实角度来说,是你们为以后的爱情垫定经济基础,也是和亲戚朋友交流的好办法,人不是为自己而活。即市享受也是 给别人看的``那要看一 是不是个懂得浪漫的人拉```要是``那就是一种最没的享受``要不是```那就是给别人看的```或是一种形式````都有把``即是给自己留个美好的回忆。也是给他人一个热闹的场面`````

My Cousins Wedding Last week, I attended my cousins wedding with my mother. Our relationship is very close. She always looked after me, treated me well when I was a wimpy kid. So, seeing she got married, I was very happy for her. When we reached, the first thing I saw from her was her happy smile. She was the most beautiful girl in the world at that time. Wearing wedding white dress made her look more delicate and attractive. I hoped she would be happy forever. I would like to give my best wishes to her, my dearest sister.一场婚礼 a weddingtoday is my sisters wedding. i take part in it with my parents. we get to the hotel at about 6:00 p.m.. my sister and her husband is waiting for the guests in front of the lobby. she is so beautiful today that i have never seen. of course her husband is handsome, too. i met him before, and he is so kind to me. the ceremony starts at 7:00 p.m.. they exchange their rings and vows and thank for their parents. and then we enjoy the wedding feast. the dishes are so delicious that i eat too much. i show my best wishes to them, hoping their love last forever and a happy life.
西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从开始到结束到充满了浪漫气息。新娘的礼服一般为白色,新郎是黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃.到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先,随着婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。而新娘手中的花球也不是一般的装饰用品.在婚礼结束时,新娘就会抛给到场的女宾客,如果谁接到花球,谁就是下一个结婚的人,这就使整个婚礼在欢声笑语中结束了。 中国的婚礼就不同于西方,整个婚礼的主色调是红色,这也是中国的传统的代表喜气的颜色。这也就使婚礼变的喜气洋洋.在传统婚礼中,新娘一般穿着红色罗衣,头戴凤冠,上面还有一块红色丝巾.而新郎就穿着红色的长衫马褂,头戴红色大沿帽。新娘乘着大红花轿在后,新郎骑着马在前,随着红娘和迎亲队伍到新郎家中拜堂.双方家长坐在上堂,而新郎新娘在下堂成婚.整个婚礼由司仪主持,在他的指挥下,新郎新娘一拜天地,下拜高堂,然后夫妻对拜,送入洞房.闹洞房是婚礼的高潮,新娘先回洞房等待新郎,而新郎就在外招待客人,酒足饭饱后,新郎在一大堆人的簇拥下来到洞房.众人就开始闹洞房了,新郎新娘在大家的起哄下做各种游戏……这样整个婚礼就在一片笑声中结束了。 通过研究中西方婚礼的差异,我了解了他们各自的特点:西方的婚礼是纯洁浪漫的,而中国的婚礼是喜气洋洋的;西方的婚礼看重的是感觉,而中国看重的是仪式。中西方由于他们的风俗习惯不同,也就形成了有各自特点的婚礼风俗.虽然有着不同的习俗,但是无论是哪里的婚礼都充满了祝福和笑声。 【英文概要】 As China has been a member of the international group WTO, the connection between China and the western world becomes closer and closer. In order to get a better understanding of each other, we set the research topic, -to learn the custom and culture of the western world. Through the research and study of the comparison of the different customs and culture between China and the western world, we can know more about the western history and learn the advantage of theirs. By studying this, we can be more couple of dealing with problems and difficulties as well.
婚礼 礼仪 仪式 婚礼仪式重要吗英文 英语阅读理解wedding in indonesia is very important eve