来源:整理 编辑:婚礼策划 2024-04-09 04:38:34
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的作文 200字左右 急急答:秋天的田野 历经了纯净的冬季,明丽的春季,火热的夏季后,我的脚步有踏入了秋天的领域。秋天,无论在什么地方,都是美的;可是,田野里的秋天总有一种其它地方不能超越的美丽。 来到田野,到处都是丰收的景象,充满了果实的浓香。站在高处了望...为了一个深井中的幼小生命,几百个人拼搏了十几个小时; 为了手中周岁的孩子,双目失明的父母用瘦弱的双肩搭起了不畏泥石的人梯; 为了怀中熟睡的孙儿,七十岁的老奶奶用脆弱的脊背构成了最伟大的避风港…… 为了生命,我们不屈不挠;为了生命,我...
3,my wedding 英语作文怎么写
你可以写一下日期,地点,邀请的人员,婚礼的步骤,结尾(谢谢你的感想)chinese weddings are auspicious and vibrant events.since red is a lucky color to chinese, weddings would be decked in red. brides will wear red and the red banners with blessings would be written and hang around the house. chinese weddings are also a time for families to gather and friends to come together. usually, distant relatives and friends will join in the event and send blessings and good wishes to the couple. it is also a very noisy event because loud and happy music will be played to annouce the harmonious reunion of the couple. in my eyes, chinese weddings are lively, joyous and fun events.
4,帮我写一篇Relationship between love and marriage的英语作文
Love is the most beautiful feeling that has been created by God and those who have true love in their life are the most fortunate people in this world. Those people are truly the blessed children of God, who are lucky enough to have that special person of their life, without whom their life is incomplete as their spouse. The Love Marriage Relationship adverts to the relationship of love that exists between married couples.For a relationship to last long or to survive till the last, one should give importance to the feeling of love, as without love there can be no relationship . It should be noted that a Love Marriage Relationship is based on the foundation of belief and trust. Marriage is the most important event in the life of man or a woman and people make the best of their efforts to make their marriage work. It would be better to say that a couple leaves no stones unturned to have a successful marital relationship. 这个是当地人写的,应该没语法错误,你可以自己修改下。 感觉哪里不要 就可以删掉。 希望你满意。
Today a friend finally married! Attend their wedding, looking at them with a smile on her face, the heart suddenly poured out ofan impulse, want to get married!I sat there watching them happy appearance, fantasizing ownaccompany the life that who he is? I and his wedding will be how the scene? I would like them happy? Do not know how they are,would have been the thought of single life, are increasinglylooking for individuals to rely on, looking for someone to share, to accompany me through the future, perhaps slowly grew ideas have changed, but the marriage has to face a lot of problems! All attributable to the plain after marriage without love, romantic,sugary love, the rest is fuel, family matters, there are still many unknown, may quarrel everyday, think of the psychological fear,but think as long as I can and I like people together, no matterhow hard life is all the sweet happiness, after all you are not alone, there he accompany you! But I that he who can it be?累死了,不采纳和你拼了。
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